George’s demo tour

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Good Morning George…
Hi George!
i can hear you
i don’t see you but I hear you
I mean I see street
I do now
I don,t see Westminster
Whaite house on a residential street
I see it all
Got it
Question for you George
Doyou have control of what they are looking at or are participants
Sounds good
Your voice is breaking up George
at moments not really good
Its as if you are in a distance and its cracking
now it’s fine
Oka now but it goes in and out
Sound is occasionally really poor
Yes it is again as if you are in the distance and cracking… What about using mic
still going in and out… . I checked my wifi its strong
at the moments it is great but than you go away
great idea
Should the place in one tour be connected?
Thank you!
Sorry stops
Something like Acttive historical military bases
as ane example
How are these images from street view being used?
during our tour I mean
so we have controll over it?
bur we prepare images when creating our tour?
Best option
I’ll have to look better in all this
for time of each stop about 5 mins
sorry typing 2 fingers
Thank you … George
Would like to try for mateja
I’ll try it bit not sure
sounds great you too
you too