Here’s one more sizeable collection of updates for Placecloud. This will mostly conclude the changes in functionalities we at walk · listen · create envisioned. We hope you enjoy them.
- We thoroughly cleaned up obsolete code and content.
- Placecloud has a new look and feel, and a new logo.
- Besides the list of contributors most recently adding content, you can now also easily find a list of the contributors you follow. This, under the same ‘People’ tab in the footer menu.
- Places can now be ‘featured’ and show up when pressing the ‘Viewpoints’ button in the footer menu. At the moment, we’re featuring London, where, right now, the majority of our viewpoints is located.
- Two existing connected groups of viewpoints are now available as featured collections; Henry VIII’s Lost Palaces by Elizabeth Norton, and The Everyday Heroes of Postman’s Park by John Price.
- You can now jump to a place by searching for it. Available in the menu when pressing ‘Viewpoints’ in the footer.
- When exploring maps, viewpoints are now clustered into single markers, when they’re close together.
- Collection can now be routes. That means that viewpoints in a collection are intended to be visited in a certain sequence.
- The interface can now be switched to Dutch as well as to Portuguese.
- Viewpoint descriptions now open with naming their location.
- The viewpoint RSS feed (which is a podcast feed) includes audio that is prefaced by a short introduction to Placecloud.
- The Placecloud podcast feed is on Spotify, Apple, and Google.